Pasta alla norma is one of the most famous Italian dishes in the world. It is a typical Sicilian recipe, and brings with it typically Mediterranean flavors. Let’s see the ingredients, how to prepare it, calories and nutritional values, some tips and hypotheses on the origin of the name.
Here you find information about food ingredients
Pasta Carbonara is one of the most famous Italian dishes. In Italy we say pasta alla carbonara, which translates pasta in the carbonara way. Carbonara sauce is made with guanciale (i.e. cured pork cheek) and eggs that wrap around hot pasta. Let’s see a recipe, nutritional values, calories and some other information
Pasta amatriciana probably derives from the introduction of tomato in the gricia pasta recipe.
Discover ingredients of pasta with amatriciana sauce, recipe, history.
Learn more about red rice: red yeast rice and Oryza Sativa, how to cook, nutritional value, benefits, side effects. Shop the best Italian artisan foods