Are you good food lovers? Perhaps you too started buying food online. In recent years many people are paying much more attention to what they eat and what foods they put on their table.
Until recently it was thought that Mediterranean diet was the best example of a diet without any doubts. Now in Italy we try to improve nutrition by choosing what we eat with greater care. In our country we keep up to date with the indications given by nutritionists, regarding for example the food pyramid, and we make a selection of healthier products.
Well-being is also a matter of good nutrition and conviviality. We should prefer fresh products and seasonal fruit and vegetables. Shopping online can help you find good food more easily, saving time and money.

Many companies choose to dedicate themselves to selling online typical Italian food and wine products to widen their borders and be accessible to a wider audience. The birth of numerous Italian web stores dedicated to typical products has allowed us to re-evaluate some of the gastronomic excellences of our country that were forgotten. Many valuable food products were no longer sold also in Italy due to:
- the need to give visibility and advertise them, making them known also to younger generations who have grown up in an era of globalization of the food sector
- the economic crisis that hit Italy and led many to buy less expensive foods.
Online sales on web stores allow merchants a significant reduction in running costs. As a result, gastronomic excellences can also be sold at competitive and more affordable prices.
Shipping and delivery of food products online
When looking for quality and safety in online shopping it is important to pay attention to the packaging and shipping methods of the store you are targeting. A serious ecommerce not only deals with carefully selecting each item on sale, but will also take care to verify its traceability and food transport conditions.
Every food must be stored at the right temperature so that it does not lose its organoleptic and nutritive properties, and this aspect must also be considered during the delivery journey from the supplier to the store and then to the customer.
If you make your purchases on, you will have the guarantee of a fast and efficient delivery service, which will respect and protect the purchased authentic Italian food products.

Shopping online has become a need for many people who do not have time to physically go to food stores. Buying online good foods, meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, just requires a credit card and you can order with just a few clicks. Many web users also prefer to rely on competent operators who are dedicated to selecting quality products. It is not only private individuals who get good food from e-commerce but also many food business operators:
- bars,
- taverns,
- restaurants,
- bistros,
- wine shops
They have noticed that online shopping is practical and helps saving money, also when buying excellent niche Italian food.
Speaking of e-commerce “giants", since Amazon has bought the “colossus" of the American supermarkets Whole Foods the trend of online shopping has undergone a strong acceleration. If the most popular digital distribution platform in the world invests more than 13 billion dollars in the food sector, there are also repercussions on minor e-commerce players.
Amazon’s advancement in the food sector has captured the interest of other companies selling food online. In Italy we are trying to catch up with the Americans. Home food delivery services are not widespread in all cities, yet. Many supermarkets and shops selling typical products offer the possibility to order online from home and pick up the products at the physical store.

If you want to shop online you do not necessarily have to turn to the supermarket circuits. There are several web stores specializing in fine foods and in typical Italian products. In stores like you can find a wide assortment of the best quality food. Some examples are:
- mackerel fillets in oil;
- tuna fillets in oil;
- grated mullet roe;
- dark chocolate cream and chocolates;
- Italian extra virgin olive oil;
- wholemeal or gluten-free pasta;
- many varieties of pesto, also organic;
- Italian biscuits;
- high-quality fruit juices.
Buying food online can be a practical way to always have excellent Italian food on the table. Your trusted online store will become a space that contributes to your well-being.
Gustorotondo online food products
Entering Gustorotondo you will find a small boutique of authentic good food where you can safely do your online shopping.
Gustorotondo al means best Italian food near to you.
We are passionate about gastronomy and good food lovers too, and we are interested in the production methods, ingredients and every aspect that defines the quality of the product.
Our staff is always looking for new brands, producers who have high-quality standards, new typical Italian foods. We turn to companies that valorize the tradition and authentic flavours of Italian cuisine.
In addition, we daily look for new stories to tell you through our blog, Tasty Tales. We wish to become a reference point for Italian good food lovers, for people who seek a better understanding of Italian cuisine and traditions, and also for those who want to experiment in the kitchen.
Gustorotondo Newsletter informs you about Italian recipes, Italian artisan producers, tasty & healthy products and exclusive offers.